速報APP / 個人化 / The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker

The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker





版本需求:Android 2.0 以上版本



The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker(圖1)-速報App

Introducing the Outlaw.

Modeled on the Old West era.

Displaying a beautiful Flag interpretation with Aces High on the default dial displaying an extract from The Outlaw by Anon.

Click the 9 o'clock position and watch the awesome animation unfold as you transition to view inside the chamber.

Inside the chamber includes all of the information most people require.






Battery level

Tap the 9 o'clock position again to launch the awesome animation again as the chamber closes up and returns you to the flag view again.

This watch face includes a beautiful AOD or DIM mode that continues to display the words extracted from The Outlaw by Anon glowing to match the AOD view.

** Important Requirements *******

The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker(圖2)-速報App

1. Android wear device able to run WatchMaker Premium app

2. Get WatchMaker Premium app (from here: http://goo.gl/6pqxnV )

**Designed for Watchmaker Premium**

* You must install "WatchMaker premium" BEFORE you can use this beautiful watch face on your watch.

* Please DO NOT download unless you have latest "WatchMaker Premium" app.

Enjoy the Outlaw.

** How to use: **

This app will install the new watch face into WatchMaker allowing you to select and install the watch face onto your watch.

1. Make sure you have the last "WatchMaker Premium" from here: http://goo.gl/6pqxnV

2. Select "watchmaker premium" Watch Face on your device.

3. Install this watch face.

4. In WatchMaker, go to "My Watches" tab and select the watch face.

5. Click on the "Set watch face" green button and enjoy :)

All feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker(圖3)-速報App

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The Outlaw (BDO19US) for Watchmaker(圖4)-速報App